ICRAVE Helping Others Become Better

It is a universal law of success that, when you help improve the lives of others, your own life will get better.  If you want to succeed, help other people grow.

  • When you add value and purpose to someone else’s life – you add more value and purpose to your own life.
  • When you help someone else get better, you increase your self-esteem.
    • When your self-esteem grows, so do you, in every positive way.  You become more confident.  You have less fear – because you can see your strengths more clearly.  You’re more willing to step forward and take good chances that help you grow in you own life.  You accomplish more, you’re more fulfilled as a person, and you open up to greater opportunities in front of you. 
    • Positive cycle
      • Do more, create more, feel better about yourself, increase self esteem
  • When you help other people get better, you naturally and automatically learn and practice positive leadership traits.

Re-source: Refocus

By helping other people get better, you expand your focus in life in many ways.

  • Feel the benefits of creating in other people’s lives and your enthusiasm for living increases. 
  • You move from “bystander” to someone who is “making a difference”
  • It is very rare to find a successful person who is/has not practice the principle of helping others people prosper, or get better.

craving and resource from “The Gift” by Shad Helmstetter