ICRAVE Heaven Within

Heaven is for you to find here in this lifetime – not when your body dies. 

  • You are to find heaven here, while you’re on Earth.
  • Indeed heaven is within you, because heaven is the frequency of your being. 
  • To find heaven on Earth is to live your life at the same frequency of your being – pure love and joy.

There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and beauty, and although invisible, its forces are mighty.”

  • You have the greatest force in the universe within you.  And with it, you will have an amazing life!
  • The power is within you.

Re-source: Recreate

“Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow.  Just today.

  • Inhabit your moments.  Don’t rent them out to tomorrow.”
  • It is what you feel today that matters, because it is the only thing that determines your future.

The Creation Process – Imagine it.  Feel it. Receive it.

Faith is to believe that which you do not yet see;  and the reward of this faith is to see that which you believe.”

Love has no limits!  Start to break the boundaries of your imagination and stop putting limits on your life.

craving and resource from “The Power” by Rhonda Byrne