ICRAVE Healthy Relationships

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It is no secret that if we are feeling unbalanced by our relationships in life, it will cause stress, and stress depletes our life force.

The most effective way to make relationships healthy is through open communication, acceptance, and forgiveness. 

  • If you harbor feelings of jealousy, hate, anger, frustration, or resentment toward others in your life, these emotions literally seek “harbor” in your body, mind, and soul and will eventually manifest as a physical disease.

Re-balancing emotions can be difficult, because we are often not aware that we harbor negative emotions, or we become so angry and bitter that we cannot easily let go of them.

  • Become aware of our negative emotions and recognize that they are only doing damage to ourselves.
  • It is important to recognize that we can “let go” of negative emotions we harbor toward others if and when we choose to.  T
    • his may require an open discussion with whomever it is we feel an imbalance, or, it may require us to go within ourselves and forgive ourselves for actions we have taken in the past that have left us feeling guilty, remorseful, or disappointed.
  • Understand is that the emotional baggage we carry around is the result of past events. 
    • So the first thing we have to work on is letting go of the past and staying in the present. 
    • If we can rectify our current actions in the present and not create any additional negative emotional baggage for our future, we will have an easier time removing what has been done in the past.

Start improving your current relationships today, and by extension, improve your relationships of tomorrow, and you might find that by doing so you will feel better about the past. 

  • By improving your view of the future, you are taking the first step toward healing your past.

Image result for relationships

Re-source: Relationships

It can be helpful to get in touch with some sort of social support group. 

  • This could mean engaging in a sport or activity, a church, or some other social group that you can associate with positively. 
  • By finding a positive way to form new relationships, discuss problems, or simply let off steam, you can greatly improve your chances of a long, healthy life.

If you are not happy with some of your current relationships, think about changing who you interact with. 

  • It is not wrong for you to move on from relationships that no longer breed positivity in your life. 
  • It is OK to accept the lessons other people have taught you, forgive them, and move on.

craving and resource from “Balance In Me” Secrets to Longevity blog by Michael Manville

Balance In Me