We invest great energy in enjoying, maintaining, or recovering from our relationships, and in the process we learn more about our motivations.
One of the healthiest gifts we can give ourselves is to constantly monitor our reasons for being critical and controlling.
The challenge is to allow others to be themselves regardless of our fear or insecurity.
Maintain your core relationship to yourself and live according to the truth that the greatest gift you can give another is a fully healthy self – your own.

Re-source: Relationship
- When you are with people, listen instead of talk.
- Genuinely want to get to know them, and share with them your feelings as well as your thoughts.
- Feel that you are becoming softer inside, and in this softness you have made ready a place for love and contentment.
craving from “Sacred Contracts” by Carolyn Myss
resource inspired from “Sacred Contracts” by Carolyn Myss