Why do so many of us live in fear and desire mode as opposed to duty and love mode? Why is that we still focus on self as opposed to service?
- It’s conditioned
“We’re wired for generosity but we’re educated for greed.”
- You’ll see kids want to share go out their way for others.
- Then as we get older, we’re told that there’s less.
- As we get older we’re told there are finite numbers of how many kids can make on the basketball or baseball team.
- We’re told there’s a finite number of college spaces
- We’re told there’s a finite number of how many tickets there are.
- We’re told there’s a finite number of people that are successful.
- We’ve been educated for greed because we’ve been told everything’s limited.
In the theater of happiness there are infinite and unlimited seats.
- There is a seat with your name on it in the theater of dreams and happiness.
- But you may think that there are only a hundred people allowed in.
- that if someone else makes it before you, you don’t get in
- But you may think that there are only a hundred people allowed in.
- There is no cap on how many billionaires there can be in the world.
- There is no cap on how many millionaires around the world.
- There a cap on how many happy people there are in the world.
- There’s no cap on on how many successful soccer players that can exist at the same time or how many books are out in the world.
All the people who made a change in the world (Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, etc. may not have given a lot of money, but they gave a lot of their time and energy.
- You don’t have to give resources, but you can give your resourcefulness of your heart
- Your love, your focus, your attention, and your compassion
- You don’t need to have a lot of money to make a big impact.
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
Albert Einstein
Remove the belief that things are finite and limited
Re-source: Redefine
to define (something, such as a concept) again : to reexamine or reevaluate especially with a view to change
How does someone who is living in a sense of scarcity find purpose in chaos, when they’re just trying to survive?
- What you can do right now is find meaning in what you do.
Make what you do meaningful, passionate, and purposeful.
- You don’t need to suddenly look to become an entrepreneur, or start a side hustle, or find some more time.
- Find meaning by asking, “What am I living for like right now?
- For example, if you’re living for your child to provide and put food on the table, that is a beautiful thing that we should celebrate more.
Find meaning because you can’t always find happiness.
- You can’t always find positivity, but you can always find meaning.
Stop trying to get yourself out of pain, discomfort, or frustration so easily.
- Live your experience and find meaning as quickly as possible. And create a commitment to how you want to use that meaning moving forward.
We may not be great tomorrow, next week, next month, but we can use this meaning to serve other people.
- We can continue to do what we love.
- We can continue to be great to our friends and family in the best way possible.
- When you start doing those small things with love and kindness, so much more opens up.
It’s in those painful moments, that you realize how powerful you are. Don’t rush it.
- If you have a wound and you’ve cut yourself, you can’t rush the healing.
- If you broke your arm or any other bodily injuries you can’t rush the process.
- It’s going to take six weeks minimum to a heal broken minimum.
- You’ve got to sit through that. There’s no injections you can take, or videos you can watch or listen to.
Our challenge is we try and rush through the pain rather than reflect through the pain.
- We try to rush the healing process but the healing is meant to be slow because it buys you time and reflection.
- It gives you so much space to slow down.
craving and resource from Jay Shetty – THIS IS Why You’re NOT HAPPY In Life…