ICRAVE Handling Objections and Misunderstandings

Steps for Handling Objections

  • Clarify the objection
    • Get at the real objection, avoid confrontation, and avoid talking too much
  • Acknowledge
    • Demonstrate your listening and empathy skills
    • Confirm your understanding of the objection
  • Respond

Handling Misunderstandings

  • Often a case of not what you say but how you say it
    • Use feel, felt, found to tell someone gracefully they’re wrong (deflect ego)
  • Confirm
    • Confirm that the objection has been addressed

Re-source: Resolve

People don’t want you to be sorry, they want their concerns to be acknowledged.  They want to be listened to. 

  • Let them know you heard them by say you understand their frustration or how disappointing that must be   
  • Sorry is of such little use because the problem that you are apologizing for is usually not your fault. 

Use role-play, participation in case studies, and simulations that allow to shuffle through the tactics to mimic the real world more accurately.

What are some anticipated strengths and weaknesses of your position?

  • This will help to know for determining what questions to ask
  • This can prepare you for potential objections, strategies, position and compromise
  • “Those who manipulate focus exclusively on the strengths of their position; those who influence focus and analyze both the strengths and the weaknesses of their position.”

craving and resource from “How to Change Minds” – How to Influence others without Manipulation – by Rob Jolles