ICRAVE Guidance

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Objects jump out at us, the way certain thoughts come as guidance. 

  • Let your perception of beauty and incandescence lead the way. 
  • Places and people who have answers for you will appear more luminous and attractive.

Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing. 

  • Compare the story of the dream to the story of your life.   

Not only dreams guide us. Also thoughts or daydreams guide us. 

  • They show us a scene, a happening, and this is an indication that this event might happen. 
  • If we pay attention then we can be ready for this turn in our lives. 

We all have many more such thoughts than we realize.  To recognize them we must take an observer position. 

  • When a thought comes, we must ask why? 
  • Why did this particular thought come now? 
  • How does it relate to my life questions? 
  • Taking this observer position helps us release our need to control everything. 
    • It places us in the flow of evolution.

Image result for re-connect

Re-source: Re-engage

See the world as a mysterious place that provides everything we need. 

  • Then we’re ready to begin the evolutionary flow. 
  • We engage this process by keeping our current life questions firmly in mind. 
  • And then watching for direction, either in a dream or in a intuitive thought or in the way the environment illuminates and jumps out at us.

We build our energy and center ourselves in our situation, then we receive some form of intuitive guidance

  • An idea of where to go or what to do, and then coincidences occur to allow us to move in that direction. 
  • Each time that these coincidences lead us into something new, we grow.
    • We become fuller persons, existing at a higher vibration.

Fear images should be halted as soon as they come.  Then another image, one with a good outcome, should be willed though the mind. 

  • Soon, negative images will almost never happen.  Your intuitions will be about positive things. 
  • When negative images come after that, they should be taken very seriously. 
    • For instance, if the idea comes to you that you’re going to have a wreck in a truck and someone comes along and offers you a ride in a truck, then you do not accept it. 

craving and resource from “The Celestine Prophesy” by James Redfield