Grit has two components – passion and perseverance

Grit is about holding the same top level goal for a very long time

  • In very gritty people, most mid-level and low-level goals are in some way or another related to that ultimate goal.
  • In contrast, a lack of grit can come from having less coherent goal structures

Many people can articulate a dream/goal and can vividly imagine how wonderful that would be.  However, they can’t point to the mid-level and lower-level goals that would get them there. 

  • Their goal hierarchy has a top level goal but no supporting mid-level or lower-level goals
    • This is “positive fantasizing”
  • Giving up on lower level goals is not only forgivable, its sometimes absolutely necessary
    • On any long journey, detours are to be expected
  • The higher level the goal, the more it makes sense to be stubborn.

Re-source: Recondition

condition again

Grit grows as we figure out our life philosophy

  • Learn to dust ourselves off after disappointment or rejection
  • Learn to tell the difference between low level goals that should be abandoned quickly and higher level goals that demand more tenacity.

Over time, we learn life lessons that we don’t forget and we adapt in the response of the growing demands of our circumstances.

  • Eventually new ways of thinking and acting become habitual.
  •  We have adapted, those adaptations have become durable, and finally our identity (the sort of person we see ourselves to be) has evolved.  We have matured.

craving and resource from “Grit” by Angela Duckworth