We spend so much of our lives searching for the things that we realize in time, we had all along.
- Our journeys bring us full circle and in the end we fade away, holding tightly to that from which we emerged, not because we fell short, but because eventually we realize what we have.
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Dennis Waitley
The times when we get to look around and recapture our perspective means so much.
- It’s reassurance that life can be hard and frustrating, but at the core of everything is contentment.
- It’s why we need not search for love because we are in fact surrounded by it.
- We need not search for hope when it’s ingrained in every breath.
Re-source: Refocus
to focus again : to change the emphasis or direction of
“We only see what we focus on.”
- So much of life exists outside our periphery.
If you can walk down the same street every day and see something new each time, imagine the power of readjusting how you see life.
- Imagine pulling more of what matters into focus.
- We don’t need to wait until things are gone or change to appreciate what we have and who we are.
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
- Because when one can look around and see all that they have, scarcity has to give way to abundance, fear becomes hope, and the mundane becomes beautiful.
Gratitude is power because it’s not acquisition; it’s awareness.
- The reset button is a tap on the shoulder, reminding us that life is about the people who make it worth living.
- The times we spend together is a reminder that the minutes aren’t ticking towards some life altering grand finale, but that each second is in and of itself a miracle.
It seems the answer to our “why” is not to obtain something new, but to share who we are with the world.
- Not to get what we don’t have, but to make the most of what we do.
- Not to impress or fit in, but to take that passion that increases our heart rate and that curiosity that pulls us towards new horizons.
- And with the incredible friends and family by our side, we simply realize that we are this very moment embarked upon the adventure of a lifetime.
- and for that i am forever grateful
craving and resource from Your World Within – The Power of Gratitude – Inspirational Video