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A lot of people can only be positive when all is going their way. But that’s when it’s easy to have an optimistic outlook. 

  • The skill of grace emphasizes the fact that we must be grateful, even when things aren’t going our way.

Grace is more than style and finesse; it’s doing the right thing.

  • Grace teaches us to have patience, patience produces understanding, understanding results in acceptance, and acceptance allows us to move past the stressful situation at hand.
  • It is the golden thread that allows us to keep our lives in balance.  It can often serve as our purpose and motivation. 
  • It helps us with our relationships, which we all know are one of the most difficult things to manage.

Grace is expressed through so many different qualities, compassion, benevolence, goodness, and generosity. 

  • It is a key ingredient in determining how competently we interact with others 
  • That’s why it’s so important to be gracious not only toward those we love and care about, but also the people who come into our lives every day.

Your standing in life doesn’t matter.  The important thing is whether or not you appreciate what you have

  • That mind-set will have a profound effect on your attitude.

“What we do and how we do it reflects our expertise, experience, and values.  Winning is important, but how you go about winning is far more important. 

  • Your actions must personify dignity, honor, and grace  
  • It can range from not cutting corners and providing the customer with quality service to doing the right thing and always keeping your word. 
  • Grace should be central to any business. 
  • Some people understand it better if we refer to grace as professionalism.
  • It is very important for a company to have a moral compass that can permeate throughout the entire organization.
    • And, it can also help transcend the day-to-day turmoil, allowing people to take a “longer view” approach.

Grace is a key foundation of any form of success. 

  • Those who exhibit a true kindness and extend graciousness to others – even when things have not gone their way – are always able to rise above the petty events.
  • We easily get caught up in the rush of daily activities.  That’s when we start taking for granted the things that are most important to us. 
  • The word Grace tends to vary in meaning from one person or situation to another, often depending upon the context in which it is used. 

Image result for Positive Work Relationships

Re-source: Relationship

No matter how you see it, grace is disposition that requires compassion toward others and the desire to extend goodwill. 

  • It incorporates the exercise of love and kindness – most important, to those who may not have earned it.

This truth is embedded in the fiber of who we are, what we believe, our appreciation, and the contribution we make to the world.   Gracious people exhibit the following characteristics:

  • They seek to make others feel like they’re one of the most important people with who they can spend time, and always put the needs of others first.
  • They live according to a personal code that is higher than normal standards of conduct, and incorporate dignity, honor, and respect in extending grace to others
    • even when things have not gone their way.

Whether it’s in our job or in personal matters, grace creates a richer and more fulfilling life.  It’s not just a skill that some people have and others do not; rather a state of mind acquired by observation and commitment.  

  • It is first and foremost a skill that is centered on others
    • how we treat them and how we put their needs above our own without any consideration or expectation of a return in kind.
  • Our ability to develop grace isn’t based on what we have or don’t have. 
    • What matters in terms of grace is whether or not we appreciate what we do have, and how we interact with those around us.

The tone and approach you use with others impacts how you establish grace in your life. 

  • It is visible through your language, attitude, and body movements
    • all of which express you true intent to others.
  • These qualities are acquired through a personal commitment to focus on changing your attitude toward others. 
  • They are evidence in the workplace by changing:
    • Control to coaching
    • Managing to mentoring
    • Employing to empowering

Graceful individuals develop interdependent relationships that are fostered through patience, self-discipline, dignity, honor, and respect. 

  • They accomplish this by recognizing others’ strengths and weaknesses, and attempting to build them up. 
  • They realize how vital it is to nurture others without expecting recognition for it.

craving and resource from “Surviving Your Serengeti” by Stefan Swanepoel