ICRAVE Goal Visualization

Practice goal visualization, which is the ability to visualize yourself already having achieved the goals you are working toward.

When your brain gets used to seeing this new improved you, it starts to believe it is the real you

  • Whatever your brain believes, your brain acts out.
  • Just as a business must have a plan (a vision of where it is going, what it wants to become), so must you have a vision of yourself already having achieved your goals.

Re-source: Re-envision

The more your brain sees you in a certain way, the more your brain believes that this vision is reality.

  • It’s like a dress rehearsal that allows your brain to get used to accepting this image as the real you.
  • If you visualize yourself speaking in public or looking great and acting confident; when you actually get up and speak in public, your brain will be so used to seeing you this way, it will behave accordingly.
  • Your thoughts and daydreams are a part of your brain’s experiences and part of who your brain believes you to be

The more you visualize yourself having achieved your goals, the more your brain decides that this is the real you; and the more it works to promote the behavior that drives this to be true.

  • Use this brain feature to your advantage as much as you can

craving and resource from ” The Healthiest You” – Take charge of your brain, to take charge of your life – by Kelly Trevor MD and Betty Keller