Recently, acclaimed quantum physicist Nassim Haramein introduced the idea of “fractals” being part of the hologram.
- Essentially, even very tiny parts of nature (eg. the proton) has within it a representation of the entire universe.
- The idea seems to be that what we experience as our reality is actually a reflection of ourselves, dispersed into fragments along the space-time continuum.
- We are basically living in a hologram, created by us, that reflects our own thoughts and behaviors back to us.
If you have ever been inside a house of mirrors, this is sort of what your reality is like.
- In a house of mirrors, we can see parts of ourselves scattered across the room.
- Each part is slightly different – due to the way the angle picks up our reflection, but it is still a reflection of us.
- Now imagine this on the scale of the infinite possibilities and experiences you are capable of creating.
- Everything you see is a reflection of you.
Skeptics will say this is impossible. How could another person, or a tree, or a dog be a reflection of me?
- Part of the confusion is due to the limitations of our five senses and its inability to perceive our true reality.
- Another part of the confusion is due to our inability to become aware of the full, multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves.

Re-source: Reemphasize
When you watch a movie, you don’t see the director, the camera, or many of the other elements that make the picture look real. You only see what the camera sees, but the camera is only projecting a limited version of reality.
- The reality is much greater.
- The parts of you that you can’t see are what creates all of the intricate and unique experiences that make up your life.
In practice is, we need to hold gratitude for even being here to have this experience!
If we don’t like what we see in the world, we have to use our will to guide our future in a positive direction.
- We do this by giving positive attention to the elements of our life we want to enhance and grow, and cutting out the parts we want to eliminate.
- Much like tending a garden, if we want it to bear fruit we have to plant the seeds, add water, and clear out the weeds.
craving and resource from – “You Are A Fractal Hologram” by Michael Manville