Forgiveness of the present is even more important than forgiveness of the past.
- If you forgive every moment – allow it to be as it is – then there will be no accumulation of resentment that needs to be forgiven at some later time.
- “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?”
Through forgiveness, which essentially means recognizing the insubstantiality of the past and allowing the present moment to be as it is, the miracle of transformation happens not only within but also without.
- A silent space of intense presence arises both in you and around you.
- Whoever or whatever enters that field of consciousness will be affected by it.
- sometimes visibly and immediately
- sometimes at deeper levels with visible changes appearing at a later time
- You dissolve discord, heal pain, dispel unconsciousness – without doing anything – simply by being the holding of that frequency of intense presence.

Re-source: Relieved
In a situation that you can do something about, do what you have to do. In the meantime, accept what is.
Since mind and resistance are synonymous, acceptance immediately frees you from mind dominance and thus reconnects you with being.
- As a result, the usual ego motivations for “doing” – fear, greed, control, defending the false sense of self – will cease to operate.
- An intelligence much greater than the mind is now in charge, and so a different quality of consciousness will flow into your doing.
craving and resource from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle