ICRAVE Forgiveness

  • Forgiveness is not a moral issue, it is an energy dynamic
  • When people forgive, they do not want those that they forgave to forget
    • This kind of forgiveness manipulates
    • It is a means of gaining external power over another
  • Forgiveness means that you do not carry the baggage of an experience
    • When you choose not to forgive, the experience that you do not forgive sticks with you 
    • Forced to look at life through contaminated lenses because you have chosen this
      • You wish everyone to see the world that way because you wish to see the world that way
  • Forgiveness means that you do not hold others responsible for your experiences
    • If you do not hold yourself accountable for what you experience, you will hold someone else accountable
    • If you are not satisfied with what you experience you will seek to change it by manipulating that person.
      • Complaining is an example of wanting someone to be responsible for what you want to experience and to fix things for you. (form of manipulation)
      • Before you share, ask yourself, what is my intention for sharing this? Am I looking for a particular response? Use this as a way of centering your attitude before committing energy to words.
        • Share what you experience in a spirit of companionship
  • When you hold someone responsible for what you experience, you lose power.
    • You cannot know what another person will do, therefore, when you depend upon another person for the experiences that you think are necessary to your well-being, you live continually in the fear that they will not deliver.

Re-source: Relinquish

When you forgive, you lose critical judgement of yourself as well as others.

  • You do not cling to negative experiences that resulted from decisions that you made while you were learning.  That is regret.
    • Regret is the double negativity for clinging to negativity
    • You lose power when you regret
  • This doesn’t mean that you do not learn from your experience and apply that in the moment you make your decisions
    • this is responsible choice to choose accordingly

Who is the lighter- the one who grieves, or the one who is able to laugh at their own experience?

craving and resource from “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav