Rather than basing our success on our passions (our greatest natural resource), we often try to succeed in spite of those passions.
- We ignore them, hide from them, and even sometimes come to resent them.
We want to profit not only financially, but in terms of our emotional, spiritual, physical, interpersonal, and professional experiences.
- We don’t just want a big paycheck, we want to feel good about how we earn it.
- We want to take pride in our work, be excited about it, and know that we are growing through it.
“People achieve greatness (and, I contend, happiness) only when they act from their heart and their passion. Those who learn to recognize the promptings of their heart and then find the courage to follow them are the ones who win races, rule nations, and create masterpieces. They also, regardless of their circumstances, live with a sense of contentment and knowledge that they are who they want to be.” – Benjamin Disraeli
Look to your heart: follow your passion.

Re-source: Reinvigorated
Passion: personal intensity; an underlying force that fuels our strongest emotions.
Passions: activities, ideas, and topics that elicit these emotions.
- Passion is natural, Dynamic, empowering, and unconditional. Passion is not addiction, talent, forced, or fleeting.
- Passion is not a privilege of the fortunate few; it is a right and a power that we all possess.
Once you infuse your life with passion you create new opportunities and the possibility for changes that others might view as lucky.
To achieve and preserve happiness by following your passion, you cannot give up more than you will gain.
- You must keep your eye on the prize, so to speak.
- You must know what your Profit is and pursue your passion in a way that leads you toward it rather than away from it.
The passioneer treats passion thoughtfully, taking great care to protect it and nurture it, realizing that some sacrifice may be necessary to ensure its continued survival.
craving and resource from ” The Passion Plan” by Richard Chang