ICRAVE Focus/Attention for Personal Growth

Where has your mind been resting?

  • What you pay attention to is the primary shaper of your brain
  • You have a lot of influence on where you rest/focus your mind
    • You can deliberately prolong and even create the experiences that will shape your mind for the better

The most direct way to grow strengths like determination, sense of perspective, positive emotions, and compassion is to have experiences of them in the first place.

  • If you want do develop more gratitude than keep focusing your mind on being more thankful
  • If you want to feel more loved; look for, and stay with experiences where you feel included, seen, appreciated, liked or cherished. 

Re-source: Retain

To grow good things inside your mind – take in experiences of them.

  • Activate mental states and install them as neural traits
  • When you need them, you will be able to draw on these neural traits which are your inner strengths (the good growing into your mind)

craving and resource from “Hardwiring Happiness” by Rick Hanson