ICRAVE Finding True Self-Esteem

True self esteem is not the same thing as improving your self-image

  • Self-image results from what other people think of you
  • The true self lies beyond images
    • It can be found at a level of existence that is independent of the good and bad opinions of others.
    • It is fearless and has infinite worth
  • When you shift your identity from self-image to your true self, you will find happiness that no one can take away from you.

Resource: Restore

Happiness is natural to life because it is part of the self

  • When you know yourself, you access happiness at its source

Most people confuse themselves with their self-image

  • Our self-image is created when we are identified with external things
    • People, event, and situations as well as physical objects
    • For instance, people seek money in the belief that the more they have, the happier they will be, even though we have all heard that money cannot buy happiness.  The pursuit of money has ended because we identified so strongly with how much money we earn, how good our job is, and what kinds of things we own. 
    • Money, status, possessions and the opinions of others has a powerful influence on who we think we are.

craving and resource from “The Ultimate Happiness Prescription” by Deepak Chopra