ICRAVE Feeling Over Knowing

Image result for how do I feel?

At any given moment in your life, what is the first thing that you take care of? 

  • Is it what you know (your intellect), or is it how you feel? 

If you are not feeling well, (if something is wrong, if you are hurt, anxious, depressed, and/or fearful), then that is the first thing that you want to take care of. 

  • Ask yourself how much training you have had in the part of you which is perhaps the most important part of your life. 

It doesn’t make a difference if you can solve every quadratic equation.  We need to look and reexamine at every moment of our lives the most important thing is, “How do I feel?”

  • In order to be able to learn how to feel better, we have to understand that the way that we feel comes from the processing what we do about every event in our lives. 

Re-source: Reevaluate

What has your training been on the “How do I feel side?” 

Almost all of your training has been on the, “What do I know side.”

  • that is what can I memorize
  • the facts I can give back. 

But if you know how to be happy, at peace, and live a life of fulfillment, then you are perhaps the most intelligent person that you can ever know. 

Everyone that knows how to be happy and fulfilled in their lives has a high level of intelligence, rather than someone you can summarize a whole lot of facts.

craving and resource from “Inspirational Thoughts” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Image result for Inspirational Thoughts by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer