ICRAVE Fear Mindfulness

Becoming mindful of our emotions is important to understanding the role fear plays in our life

Fear cannot come from outside of us. It is a feeling that comes from inside as a reaction to an outer stimulus.

  • That stimulus can and does change constantly
  • Generally concerns a loss (job, lifestyle, relationship, reputation, material possession)
  • Comes from an undesired change of any kind
  • It is our choice whether we shall mindlessly react to fear or mindfully respond to fear.

How we consciously perceive fear will determine our ability to step into the unknown with clarity and confidence

  • This requires us to be emotionally aware

“You only have two emotions – Love and Fear.”

  • If we are not experiencing authentic love, then fear is making a guest appearance
  • Dresses up as worry, doubt, concern, anger, jealousy, envy, resentment, etc.

Re-source: Resolve

settle or find a solution to

The key to being mindful is be an observer of your thoughts and then challenge your beliefs behind them

  • Consciously respond to them instead of reacting to them
    • you must  be conscious: emotionally aware and dialed in the present moment

Look at the eyes of each fear and ask:

 “What message do you bring me regarding my attachment to this issue at hand that has so much negativity wrapped around it?”

  • don’t debate or argue with what is revealed
  • just listen, take notes, and thank it for the gift it has given you

What lesson do I need to know about what this fear has revealed to me surrounding uncertainty and loss, so that I may be at peace in this moment with what is?

craving and resource from “The Art of Uncertainty” by Dennis Merit Jones)