ICRAVE Faithful Progression

Some people beat themselves up when they don’t see progress

  • they think in some way that they are not good enough. 
  • This does nothing to change their lives for the better or accelerate their growth
  • All it does is deplete their confidence
  • In response to their inner fear…
    •  They may try working harder, which increases their stress level.
    • “I tend to want it immediately.  And if it doesn’t happen right away, I become worried, fearful and doubt myself.  However, when I quiet my mind and just show up in life without an agenda; that’s when what needs to happen next reveals itself.  It takes patience, trust and an intuitive knowing that things will get handled.“
    • “Without her conscious knowledge, she was taking steps that helped her reach her destiny.  She just didn’t see the progression or how things were connected.”
      • That seems to be how it works.


  • Is about affirming the future you desire.
  • It is about strengthening and extending your energetic intention no matter what circumstances you encounter.  Faith is about believing in yourself, though you are imperfect and a working progress.
  • It is about remembering who you are at your deepest essences and not being sidetracked from that perspective.
  • She often appears with her sister hope, whose purpose is to keep your dream energized.

Most people play it small

  • They just want their problems to be solved and their day to day existence to be more comfortable
  • They want incremental change
  • They ask or even plead for what they want rather than affirming that they already have it

Re-source: Refinement

the improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes

Fulfilling your inner needs

  • Maintain a connection with your inner self
  • Wherever you place your attention becomes your center.
  • When you place your attention inside your mind body instead of your thinking mind; emotions, sensations, and insights become available to you
    • These point the way to an inner map that enhances your balance, solidity, confidence, and spaciousness.
    • Instead of resisting pressure, and thus living in a contracted small intense way, you are best position to attract what is yours to have.

Choices – Reflect on the choices you make

  • So many of the everyday choices we make are not really choices.
    • They are automated responses that are programed in our minds.

We are creators in life, not just responders

cravings and resources from “Stress Less, Achieve More” by Amy Bernstein