ICRAVE Faith in Progress


  • Is about affirming the future you desire.
  • It is about strengthening and extending your energetic intention no matter what circumstances you encounter.  Faith is about believing in yourself, though you are imperfect and a working progress.
  • It is about remembering who you are at your deepest essences and not being sidetracked from that perspective.
  • Faith often appears with her sister hope, whose purpose is to keep your dream energized.

Some people beat themselves up when they don’t see progress thinking in some way that they are not good enough. 

  • This does nothing to change their lives for the better or accelerate their growth
  • All it does is deplete their confidence

Re-source: Reveal

In response to our inner fear we may try working harder, which increases our stress level.

  • We tend to want it immediately.  And if it doesn’t happen right away, we become worried, fearful and doubt our self. 

When we quiet our mind and just show up in life without an agenda; that’s when what needs to happen next reveals itself. 

  • It takes patience, trust and an intuitive knowing that things will get handled.“
  • Without our conscious knowledge, we can be taking steps that help us reach our destiny. 
    • We just may not see the progression or how things were connected.
    • Sometimes, that seems to be how it works.

craving and resource from “Stress Less, Achieve More” by Amy Berstein