ICRAVE Faith in Circumstances

Image result for faith in whatever the circumstance

“Circumstances are rulers of the weak, but they are weapons of the wise.” 

  • Must you be bent and flayed by every situation you encounter? 
  • Are your emotions and resolve controlled by circumstances?

Circumstances do not push or pull.  They are daily lessons to be studied and gleaned for new knowledge and wisdom. 

  • Knowledge and wisdom that is applied will bring about a brighter tomorrow. 
    • A person who is depressed is spending too much time thinking about the way things are now and not enough time thinking about how he wants things to be.

In the game of life, nothing is less important than the score at halftime. 

  • The tragedy of life is not that man loses, but that he almost wins.
  • As a human, you detour and ease off because you lack understanding.
  • You quit because you lack faith.

The only limit to your realization of tomorrow is the doubt to which you hold fast today.

From this day forward claim a faith in the certainty of your future. 

  • Too much of our life has been spent doubting our beliefs and believing our doubts. 
    • No more!  Have faith in your future. 
    • Do not look left or right.  Look forward. 
    • You can only persist.

Image result for reward of faith

Re-source: Reward

Do you consider yourself a person of faith?  Does faith guide your everyday actions and emotions? 

  • We are driven by faith or fear (one or the other), for both are the same. 
    • Faith or fear is the expectation of an event that hasn’t come to pass or the belief in something that cannot be seen or touched. 
      • A man of fear lives always on the edge of insanity. 
      • A man of faith lives in perpetual reward.”

“Faith is to believe what one has not seen.  The reward of faith is to see what one has believed.”

  • Faith will always be a sounder guide than reason because reason can only go so far
    • Reason never makes room for miracles
    • Faith has no limits; faith releases miracles.
  • Expect miracles in your life because faith produces them every day. 
  • Believe in the future that you do not see.  That is faith. 

You are being guided.  There will never be a reason to lose faith.  The future, as you choose it, is yours. 

  • But be warned.  “Yours is a future as you choose it.”

craving and resource from “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews