What does faith mean to you?

  • Confidence or trust in a person or thing.
  • A Belief that is not based on proof.
  • Faith is an inner knowing that doesn’t rely on the outer world to verify or validate that knowing.

In what or whom do you have faith? How?

How do you experience faith?

  • It is often indescribable because it is unique to every human being
  • Because it is an inner knowing and to many a feeling
  • We can’t point at faith and say, “There it is.” However, we can point to the things that inspire our faith



Having faith in our unity with a higher power brings with it an unspoken expectation that our good lies before us, even in the midst of our darkest moments of uncertainty.

  • There are many names for this higher power as there are religions
  • Regardless of which spiritual path or religion we walk, or what we may choose to call that higher power; as we spiritually evolve, we naturally deepen our faith with our connection of “it.”

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

serenity prayer

craving and resource from “The Art of Uncertainty” – How to live in the mystery of life and love it – by Dennis Merit Jones