“Fail early, fail often and always fail forward.”
John Maxwell
- Don’t not try out of fear of failure.
- The next try — whether you “win” or you “learn” — may be the gateway to success.
- Consider this quote from Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, who “failed” 50% of the time: “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
Keep forging ahead in your journey, starting from wherever you are with whatever you’ve got.
- If fear of failing is holding you back, consider that the next attempt may be the successful path you desire.
- And if you do “fail”, it may be the doorway to learning the secret to success.
If you’ve failed before, recognize, first, that you are NOT a failure. You are a brave, courageous soul.
- What can you learn from that attempt?
- What can it teach you about success?
Re-source: Reframe
frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently
When something doesn’t go our way — doesn’t go according to our plan — and those negative voices come shouting and doubting, “Failure, failure, failure!”
- This is when the self-doubt creeps in.
This is where perspective and reframing become such powerful tools.
- When you fail, recognize that there’s a huge difference between the statements “I failed” versus “I am failure”.
- Nelson Mandela once said, “I never lose. I either win or learn.”
- John C. Maxwell wrote a best-selling book that goes by a similar title: Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn.
The isn’t that you’ll never fail. You will…when you try. The point is that failure is a powerful teacher.
- Instead of looking at failure negatively — as something to avoid at all costs — we have to reframe and view it as a learning opportunity.
craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com