ICRAVE Facing Uncertainty

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It is easy to live with the illusion of control – That if we just do the right thing, say the right thing, or try to control enough, things will all work out.

  • They may, but it is not because of our habits, fear, anxiety, or our efforts to control life.
    • Things happen when all the conditions are in place.

Uncertainty is a natural part of life. Think of something you are facing where there is some uncertainty

  • It could be at work, with your friends or family.  Take a moment to feel into this uncertainty.
  • Is it OK to rest in the uncertainty of how things will turn out?

Being with uncertainty often calls for courage, because frequently it stirs up the challenging emotions of anxiety, worry, fear, or the need to control. 

  • It also calls for patience

We can simply notice what is present.  We can turn towards anxiety and towards fear.  We can even recognize the resistance towards these feelings.

  • Take some time to see if you can turn towards any tightening up or contraction that may be present with a sense of curiosity. 
    • Not to fix or change it, but to be aware of it. 
    • To receive it with interest.

Uncertainty often triggers us to think about what might happen and all the things that could go wrong. 

  • It is about a future moment (maybe even something around the corner)
  • What is actually happening in the moment is that fear and worry have arisen. 
    • And it is these feelings that we often feel uncomfortable around uncertainty.

See the source image

Re-source: Reconsider

Life just keeps happening.  As we grow in awareness and wisdom, we can see that a greater ease and freedom can come not from resisting circumstances, but from relaxing this tendency, and allowing the rhythm of life to unfold. 

  • As we learn to trust ourselves, we can find ease in the face of uncertainty. 

When we are aware, we are able to know our state of mind and we can learn about our habitual reactions that may not serve us so well.

  • The reactions of fear and anxiety, worry, and the tendency to control.
    • one of the biggest triggers of these reactions is uncertainty
  • When you start to see clearly what is happening in your own mind, you might notice a lot of judgements
    • in particular, judgements of ourselves

Uncertainty is a part of this world, just as change is a part of this world. 

  • Moment to moment, the world is changing
    • take a moment to consider this

Consider the possibility of being aware of and opening to the fear, doubt, and worry that uncertainty triggers. 

  • Are these OK to feel, knowing that being aware of these emotions is different than being caught in them.

As you go through your day, see if you can find moments when uncertainty triggers a need for control, or when fear and anxiety take over. 

  • Identifying these patterns allows us to shift from fearing uncertainty, to recognizing the mystery of this life just as it is.

craving and resource from “Ten Percent Happier” – How to Face Uncertainty with Courage – by Alexis Santos

Ten Percent Happier