Positive and negative emotions affect our physiology quite differently. Positive states are clearly healthier.
The heart is directly affecting brain function and our perception of reality.
- The heart affects not just the body but also the brain.
We need to change our reality so it is colored more by love and caring than anger and cynicism.
The place to begin cultivating the best human qualities and teaching the art of caring is with children.
- Empathy is learned, preferably through example at a young age
- The capacity to care seems to be greatly influenced by how a youngster is taught to handle distress.
- Offer each student individualized attention
The breakthrough is the recognition that violence is a public health issue, that a parallel exists between preventing violence and preventing disease.
- Maryland has a community service program called “service-learning process” – study it, do it, and reflect upon it.
- Many colleges are also urging a formal commitment to service as part of one’s education in life.
- “Most of the people who volunteer as adults have volunteered as children.”
People usually equate altruism with self-sacrifice, but many who willingly serve others say their actions are not based on self-denial. On the contrary, they emphasize that volunteering brings them self-fulfillment
The Dalai Lama, the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people, once said, “Helping other people, and the concern for other people is now a matter of global survival.”
- In practical reality, concern for other people is finally how you get the best result.
- On the contrary, if we are negligent and ignorantly degrade other people, if we think just of our own home, our own small environment, and we are negligent to others, eventually we will all lose.
- We will all have to face these consequences.
Re-source: Re-shift
“Freeze Frame” (from HeartMath) uses a technique which teaches people how to stop negative reactive emotions.
- The process starts with recognizing stressful feelings as soon as they arise. “Immediately, when you sense the stress, you need to shift your attention to the area of your heart.”
- We suggest you imagine breathing right through the center of your heart and chest.
- The next step is to change your emotional state to a positive one.
- Feeling them emotion. This difference is the key because the purpose is to cause changes – through feelings.
- The benefits include profound perceptual shifts, a whole new level of intuitive ability, higher ideals easier to access, so many opportunities for self-development, reduce stress, heal addictions, resolve inner and outer conflict, and generally enhanced living, venture into self-exploration, think differently, act differently
craving and resource from “A Call for Connection” by Gail Bernice Holland