ICRAVE Envisioning My Future

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“Pain pushes until vision pulls.”

  • Transition has been brought on by an unasked for change.  When this happens one chapter of our lives has come to a close and a new one is about to begin.
  • The uncomfortable gap in between is what it means to be “in transition.”

View your life as a book of many chapters each with its own dramas, excitements, requirements, and difficulties.

  • This encourages us to see the narrative of our lives underneath the surface of our day to day activities. 
  • Go back through your life and name the chapters that you have lived so far
  • Give them title just like a book
  • Look at the pattern

Envision your next chapter        

  • What would you like the next chapter to be called?
  • There should be some sense of excitement when you say it
    • be in touch with real desire

The more we connect toward where we want to go in our lives, the more energy and enthusiasm we will have for the journey

  • Like in a book you usually don’t what exactly is in the next chapter until you have lived it. 
    • That’s what makes life so exciting and challenging.

You are not just at the mercy of outside forces.  Your life has a trajectory that is created from some mysterious combination of outside pressures and internal longings. 

  • It is part of our job to become more aware of who we are and offer more of what we have to give

Image result for revise your story

Re-source: Revise

Our brains are constantly taking what happens to us and making meaning out of it. (like movies in our head – storytelling)

  • In a certain way, each of us is a master story teller
  • We can tell ourselves a story “my life is doomed, it will be like this forever and it it’s all my fault.” Or “there is still something I can appreciate out of my life, it’s only temporary, and it is something that is happening to lots of people.”
    • Come up with a two stories using the examples above about your circumstances that you can believe in.
    • The second positive story has to have the exact same circumstances with it with a different interpretation.
    • Create a different way you are talking to yourself about your circumstance. 
  • What story do you wish to tell yourself about the adapting that you are doing right now?

Hope is Positive Psychology

  • “Hope is the ideas and energy you have for the future”
  • It helps you be more creative and resourceful in your thinking

craving and resource from “Adaptability” – How to survive change you didn’t ask for – by M.J. Ryan