Not knowing is not a notion, it’s a fact.
- You really do not know a damn thing about this existence.
- We don’t even know a blade of grass in its entirety.
- We do not know a single cell in this body in its complete context.
- We know some things and we can manipulate a few things, but we don’t know much about it.
If the lights are on, you can whistle and just walk around wherever you want in this building. But, if you turn off all the lights and make it pitch dark, you can’t even see your own hand.
- Now every step that you take will you take it in but most alertness?
- Will you be fully awake or asleep?
- You’re only awake why because you don’t know where’s the next step.
- If you just simply live like this, you are naturally on the highway to enlightenment.
Everybody assumes and believes, because it’s comfortable.
- The very word belief means that I have concretized assumptions of which I know nothing about.
Either, you know, or you do not know, so where does the belief come from?
- When you pretend what you do not know as I know, that’s belief.
But you can’t believe something all by yourself, so you need a hundred people around you?
- That’s why always believers are in groups and seekers are alone

Re-source: Realize
become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly
You don’t have to cultivate being a seeker. This is intrinsic to human intelligence if you do not bullshit yourself with all kinds of things that you do not know.
- You don’t have to teach seeking; you have to teach belief systems.
- If you don’t teach anything, everybody is a seeker.
- It is the nature of human intelligence. It naturally seeks.
But people want to seek with the comfort of belief.
- They want to be in the belief system and then seek.
- This is like tying your boat to the pier and then rowing hard.
- It’s not bad because it gives you good exercise.
- It’s like being on the treadmill
- It’s not bad because it gives you good exercise.
- Most people are on the treadmill because they are not walking or running to go somewhere.
- They just trying to tone their muscles. So, if that’s all you wish to do, it’s perfectly fine.
- But if you want to go somewhere, you can’t tie your boat and then row, isn’t it?
- If you just let it go; even if you don’t row it will go.
craving and resource from “Sadhguru on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu”