Instead of allowing things to fall into place, we attempt to manipulate circumstances.
- Before we know it, negativity is knocking on that door we forced open, prepared to teach us a painful lesson
Positive energy never depletes us of our energy – it is always easy and falls into place.
- It makes us feel good and most importantly, it strengthens our energy field , therefore empowering us.
How can you be sure you are generating this positive energy?
- It’s as simple – and as difficult – as changing the way you think.
Re-source: Relation
Your Fuel: positive energy enables us, negative energy disables us
- Everything in our universe generates energy – animals, plants, mineral, etc.
- We are pure energy
- By our thoughts alone we are constantly transmitting our own unique energy field or aura
The energy of other people and places works with or against our own energy fields.
- Why do you feel a charge when you first meet somebody you are attracted to?
- Why do you feel depleted of your energy after an encounter with a person you don’t like?
- Why do you immediately feel better when you step out into nature?
- Why were people like Princess Diana and Mother Teresa able to inspire millions with their love and courage?
craving and resource from “The Rainbow Connection” by Cristina Carlino