ICRAVE Energy Connection Impact

Image result for Energy Connections Between People

Your energy is always on creating love, and expanding the perfection from which you originated. 

  • This includes your body and all of your beliefs about your physical self. 
  • You know in your heart that your body is a system of miracles. 
  • You have great reverence for its amazing capacity to heal itself and to function on its own without your interference.

Become aware of your own amazing capacity to affect the healing and health of those around you simple by the silent presence of your high-energy connection to intention. 

  • This is a literal energy that emanates from you.

Just below the energy level of pure enlightenment are the energy levels associated with the experience designated as transcendence, self-realization, or God consciousness. 

  • Here’s where those who are called saintly reside. 

Just below this level is the place of pure joy, and the hallmark of this state is compassion. 

  • Those who attain this level have more of a desire to use their consciousness for the benefit of life itself rather than for particular individuals. 

Below these supremely high levels, which few ever attain in a permanent way, are the levels of unconditional love, kindness, acceptance of everyone, and beauty appreciation.

Below the levels of energy that strengthen us are the low energy levels of anger, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, hatred, judgment, and shame

  • all of which weaken and impact us in such a way as to inhibit our connection to the universal energy level of intention.

Image result for relationships

Re-source: Relationships

Consider importance of becoming aware of the impact you have on others, and remind yourself that by raising your own energy level to a place where you’re in harmony with intention, you become an instrument, or a channel, or peace. 

  • This works everywhere, so be a part of the counterbalance to the human negativity you encounter in your life.

How your energies Impact Others

  • Your presence instills calmness.
  • Your presence leaves others feeling energized
  • Your presence allows others to feel better about themselves.
  • Your presence allows others to feel unified.
  • Your presence instills a sense of purpose.
  • Your presence allows others to trust in authentic personal connections.
  • Your presence inspires others to greatness.
    • The work inspiration means “in-spirit.” 
  • Your presence aligns others with beauty.
    • Everything is perceived from a perspective of appreciation rather than judgment.
  • Your presence instills health rather than sickness. 

craving and resource from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer