ICRAVE Energy “Chi-Flow”

The power of “chi” – energy or “chi-flow”

  • Moves freely and harmoniously through our mind, body, and out into the field around us
  • Maintains health, enlivens us, connects us with others and provides a relaxed power and unique intelligence.
  • When concentrated in a single unified stream this vital force can be channeled into a particular course of action or towards an objective or goal
  • It is the quality, power, and direction of our chi flow that enables us to successfully navigate challenging situations
    • However if the amount of energy coming at us is greater the amount of energy (chi) that we project, we feel depleted, anxious, afraid or stressed. 
      • We may also feel intruded upon by other people’s expectations or desires and be negatively affected by their comments or actions.
  • When our energy outflow is low, our presence is contracted.
    • We may have difficulty influencing or persuading others to hear our point of view.
  • When our energy (chi) is full and extended we tend not to react negatively to others judgements or criticisms. 
    • Instead of penetrating and harming us, they bounce off our energy field as an arrow bounces off a shield. 
  • When our chi is extended, we feel confident, capable and magnetic.
    • People notice us and listen more carefully to what we have to say

“Flow denotes the holistic sensation present when we act with total involvement.“

  • It is a full mind-body energy experience
  • Our thinking mind is quieted so the body’s intelligence can take over and do what it instinctively knows to do and or was trained to do.

Re-source: Reintegrate

resource from “HuffPost”

craving from “Stress Less, Achieve More” by Amy Berstein