ICRAVE Energy Awareness

Humans compete for energy with each other. 

We do this unconsciously in every encounter.  By observing our own and other’s interactions, we can become conscious of this competition and begin to understand the underlying nature of human conflict. 

  • As we become more aware we will also come to realize that energy gained in this way doesn’t last very long. 
  • Further awareness brings us to the realization that the true energy we seek comes from a universal source. 
    • We don’t need to secure it from another person. 
  • We begin to release these habits as we increase awareness of our tendency to control, undermine, second-guess, and please others.

Stop blaming others for our feelings and begin relating to our emotions and intuition as our teachers.

Becoming aware of how we discount ourselves helps us take responsibility for our part in a negative energy exchange.

Notice the difference in energy flow between your peers and those above and below you in the hierarchy at your workplace. 

  • How authentic are you being? 
  • Do you edit or block your energy flow with anyone? 

Unless two people stay centered, accepting another’s energy but not depending on it, an addictive relationship develops. 

  • Awareness of how we vie for energy is the first step toward reclaiming our own power. 
  • Balance begins to be restored when we stop tapping into others for our energetic charge, and look inside ourselves for our connection to spirit.

Next time you have a specific situation that feels like a power struggle, consider how you might be justifying your position or preventing resolution.

Re-source: Recondition

Intentions That Help You Stay Connected to Universal Energy.

  • I am increasing my awareness of energy. 
  • I have a strong internal connection to my higher self.
  • My best decisions are made when I am connected to my inner wisdom.
  • Once I have made a decision, I follow through with appropriate action.
  • I take time to reflect on important decisions.
  • I trust that my process is taking me to a higher level of living.

Behaviors to Keep Your Energy Focused and Free

  • Stay present in the moment.  Be your authentic self – be real. 
  • Pay attention to your feelings. 
  • Listen actively – clarify what you hear. 
  • Focus on how you want to feel. 
  • Tell the truth as you feel it. 
  • Let go of attachment to only one outcome.  Let the mystery unravel. 
  • Stay open

Check in with yourself several times a day. 

  • Practice staying conscious of the movement of energy in your body 
    • How does your stomach feel right now? 
    • When did your neck start to ache? 
  • Become aware of the energy moving between you and others. 
    • When do you feel drained? 
    • When do you feel energized?

craving and resource from “Experimental Guide of the Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne