ICRAVE Empowered Self-Worth

An essential step to establishing self-worth is to become someone who does not need the approval of others to feel good about him – or herself.

  • Learn to let go of the negative practice of disliking, disapproving, or diminishing the value of you life.

Until you release your need for approval, you will find it difficult to follow your intuition, because you will weigh the validity of your hunches according to whether others approve (and few will approve of your becoming more empowered or insightful than they are).

  • Repressing creativity can affect the throat and trigger eating disorders. 
  • All forms of arthritis derive from the need to control change, including repressing opportunities for self-expression.
  • Rejection and failure are the names we give to feeling disempowered. 
  • Until you can believe in yourself without the support of others, you will always be vulnerable to rejection and feeling like a failure.

Re-source: Reembody

You need to empower yourself by carrying out personal actions that make you feel good about yourself.

  • Choose three habits that you know are limiting and have been a source of stress for you, and make a concentrated effort to break their hold over your psyche.
    • ex. You need to release your fear of money or the lack of it.
  • What causes you to feel vulnerable in the physical world?
    • Continually hold the image of what your life would be like were you free of that fear

Identify the boundaries you need to feel empowered, and make a commitment to maintain at least one of them consistently.

  • It takes only one concerted shift in  a boundary pattern to initiate an awareness that boundary maintenance is crucial to self-empowerment.

craving and resource from “Sacred Contracts” by Carolyn Myss