- Where to work, whom to partner with, and where to live are not your most important decision in life.
- You continually make decisions about your attitude, and your experiences in each moment are created by them.
- Your attitudes come to reflect your decisions
- You create your reality with your intentions
- Each intention (anger, greed, jealousy, passion, understanding, etc.) sets energy and patterns of light into motion.
No two people have the same realities. By choosing to feel kindness instead of coldness, you change the frequency of your consciousness, and this changes your experiences.
- Within your personal reality, you can choose to be selfish, giving, brutal or compassionate.
- You can serve yourself or serve others.
- Each of these decisions shapes the light that flows through you and creates the reality within you.
Realities are your family, work, school, and people you come in contact with. (From inward to outward – shared with those whom you have a common vibration)
- When you consciously invoke growing, you consciously invoke wisdom.
- With each recurrence of jealousy, anger, or fear; you are given the choice to challenge it, or to give into it.
- Each time you challenge it, it loses power and you gain power. (you empower yourself)
- The desires that you feel you cannot resist are your addictions
- Addictions are the part of you that are your greatest inadequacies most in need of healing.
- food, drugs, sex, pornography, etc.
- You may have more than one addiction
- You cannot release the addiction until you understand the dynamic that underlies it
- Beneath every addiction is the perception of power as external.
- it’s an issue of power

Re-source: Rebuild
to make extensive changes in : remodel
There is no perception that cannot be healed.
- Unconscious personality is not aware in its negative states
- A personality that is tempted but decides to align itself with love, clarity, understanding and compassion; it gains power
- Conscious decision by conscious decision becomes more powerful
The birth of opportunities will release patterns that are no longer necessary.
- The more Light (the more enlightened that you are), the more you will choose different ways.
Spiritual Psychology will support the choice to learn through wisdom
- To release patterns of negativity (fear)
- Allows the personality to detach itself from the delusion
- Psychology seeks to heal the personality without recognizing the soul. It does not recognize the intuition, and the knowledge obtained by it.
- Spirituality encompasses your whole soul’s journey and pertains to that which is immortal within you
An empowered human being is clear on his or her thinking
- Clarity is the perception of wisdom instead of fear and doubt.
- It is being able to perceive and understand the illusion, and to see beyond the levels of the personality.
- Being able to understand what is striving to come into being.
- It allows you to experience your fellow human being with compassion instead of with judgement
Can you see the karma that another is creating by choosing the currents of anger or greed?
- Have you not made the same choices yourself?
See the perfection of each experience for the evolution of the soul and maturation of each personality involved.
craving and resource from “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav