We call our emotions feelings because we feel them in our body.
Responsibility means exercising your ability to have a creative response to your emotional triggers
- Recognizing that there is a life span to every emotion, our goal is to encourage the expression of the feeling so that it does not create lasting distress.
- To accomplish this, we need to allow the emotion to take its course while exploring how the feelings were triggered in the first place.
We need to begin the process of witnessing the surge of emotional energy that occurs when we get upset.
- By identifying the emotions that arise, you will begin to recognize your patterns of response.
The Five Emotional Laws
- I am ultimately responsible for my emotional life.
- The setting of emotional boundaries with the appropriate balance of strength and flexibility is key to a vital life.
- Emotional exchanges based on equality are energizing, while those that foster power imbalances are ultimately depleting to both parties.
- The energy I expend avoiding my pain, denying my anger, and evading my fears depletes me of my vital life force.
- Learning to embrace my uncomfortable and negative feelings enhances my capacity to experience the full depth and range of my vitalizing emotions.

Re-source: Response
a reaction to something
See the circumstance that triggered your reaction as an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
- We set limits to define the territory over which we claim jurisdiction.
- For thousands of years, it has been suggested the physical symptoms can reflect core emotional life issues.
- Pay close attention to the experiences that trigger our alarms.
- By transforming a hurtful experience into a valuable life lesson, you lighten the burden of your heart.
Freedom grows as we assume responsibility for our emotional lives and stop blaming those around us for how we feel.
- We stop waiting for others to change in order to be happy.
- Time and again we get upset about a situation only to learn later that our interpretation was several degrees off.
craving and resource from “Vital Energy” – The 7 Key to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.