ICRAVE Emotional Invincibility

Image result for emotions dont control me

Give yourself the gift of “emotional invincibility”

  • You are invincible from any emotions controlling you, and you are in control of your emotions.

The more we want something, usually the more disappointed and devastated we are if we don’t get it.

  • We have programmed ourselves to the way we respond to adversity. 
  • We always point at the thing that makes us frustrated, angry, etc., but it is the resistance to the thing.

5 minute rule – when things go wrong, it is OK to be negative, but not for longer than 5 minutes.

  • After 5 minutes, take a deep breath and say 3 words – “Can’t Change It.”
  • You can’t change what has already happened so there is no value in wishing it were different.
  • The only intelligent choice we have to be happy is to accept it.
  • Every negative emotion we have is self-created by the degree of resistance we have to our reality, whether it is past, present or future.

We are completely in charge of our emotional state.  The key that unlocks the door to emotional invincibility is acceptance.

  • Accept your circumstances unconditionally.  
    • Get to that point where you make peace with it.
  • Don’t add emotional turmoil. 
    • It makes it harder, takes longer, or prevents you from solving the problem altogether because you are so emotionally engaged in it, that you can’t see the sunshine through the clouds.
  • Create the space to act in accordance of what you want to get something new and different.

“Everything happens for a reason.”  Searching for the reason outside of themselves only perpetuates the victim mindset; versus it is 100% our responsibility to choose the reason.

  • There is value in all emotions.  It is healthy to grieve if we lost a loved one. 
  • The difference is whether the person is controlling the emotions
  • If you take full responsibility of the emotional state, no matter what is going around you, it is always about what is going on inside of you.

Image result for program your emotions

Re-source: Recondition

Morning rituals are what the most successful people have in common.

  • Meditation, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading, and journaling
    • “The Miracle Morning”

With people who have a lot of fear, you are thinking of what you are afraid of.  Affirmations direct your focus on wherever you want your focus directed. 

  • Like a computer program, what are the beliefs that you want to focus on so that they expand inside of you. 
    • What are the thoughts, values, behaviors that you need to embody. 
    • You are programing yourself to live in alignment with that program that you designed.
  • Use them to manage your mindset.  So if you have a fear, look at the opposite of the fear.  What’s possible?
  • Most people are consumed by their fear.  Our brains tend to focus one negative thought after another. 
    • We can’t trust our brain until we have conditioned it.
  • Put all of your energy into what you want.  Utilize affirmations to combat the fear.

It’s not the emotional state that is the problem, but what we do with that emotional state.

  • We usually judge it and get afraid.  We usually think that the way we feel is just how life is.  We don’t understand that the feeling is temporary. 
  • Don’t make a big deal out of it.
    • When you have negative emotions, don’t give it a lot of importance. 
    • Don’t give that temporary emotional state a lot of significance.  
  • Be as positive as much as you can possibly be, even when you are going through the most difficult time in your life. 

We can consciously choose what emotion will best serve us.  More often than not, it is gratitude, optimism and happiness, that will make it that much easier, even in the most painful and scariest time in our lives

  • It means that you are not letting the fact that it sucks control your emotional wellbeing.

“The Miracle Equation” – it is how you create miracles – extraordinary results that you believe weren’t even possible.  

  • The two components are unwavering faith and extraordinary effort.

Take adversity and turn it into an advantage.  It is a conscious choice to be optimistic. 

“Success is something you attract by the person you become.”

– Jim Rohn
  • Are you in survival mode? 
    • Do you just wake up, deal with life, and go to bed.
  • Become the person that you need to be that has the knowledge, the beliefs, the energy, the qualities, the characteristics, the skills and the talent to create the results and success you want in life.  We need to create an extraordinary personal development ritual and start doing it.

One thing we all share as humans is that we aspire to fulfill our potential.  Sadly most people don’t. 

  • If we dedicate time daily to personal development, we will gradually create and sustain great success in our lives.
  • Have optimism combined with relentless dedication

craving and resource from “Impact Theory” – If you Can’t Change Your Emotions, Do This Instead – by Hal Elrod