Focus on the importance of feeling happy. Embody an attitude that puts optimism at the forefront.
- The very act of seeking contentment
- The mindset of taking everyday ordinary tasks and making them special
- Fireplaces, hot chocolate, warm socks
- Charitable donations create an endorphin effect in the brain like that of sex and chocolate.
The positive experience of life keeps us going.
Happiness and positive outlook are strongly inter-connected, and it is possible to generate one through stimulation of the other. It is well known that being happy powers our optimism.
- Have you tried to use optimism to create feelings of bliss?
Re-source: Reembody
Happiness is central to human existence. Whether it is the central driver of all behavior or simply a chemical side effect that makes patches of biological life pleasant, the emotions of joy is found every day in thousands of manifestations in billions of people.
Experience shapes how our brains and nervous systems are designed.
- When an experience is undertaken, new lines connect the neural dots forming a biological roadmap of the experience.
- Later neurological impulses follow this map more easier than blazing their own trail, so familiar experiences and reactions become in fact easier to have.
- Basically the more frequently you experience happiness in its various forms, the easier it is to be happy.
Focus mental energy to change your brain for the better. {Michael Bergunson (scientist) and Rick Hansen (mindfulness expert)}
- Daily practices can increase the mapping of your brain’s happy pathways. Be aware of body sensations like breathing to allow neurons to connect strongly to one another.
- In addition, focusing on your own body and emotions leads to better understanding of yourself and others. This results in lower stress levels and especially in tense meetings. On the other hand, negative thoughts impede the building of strong happiness connections in the brain.
craving and resource from ““The Two Most Important Days” – How to find Your Purpose and Live a Happier and Healthier Life – by Sanjiv Chopra and Gina Vild