At 70 miles an hour, she is the fastest land predator on the planet.
- Her small head, slim body, and powerful rangy legs give her the ability to attain that speed.
- She can also turn instantly without faltering, since her long tail helps her maintain perfect balance.
Since she’s a lone hunter, the element of surprise is very important.
- She can’t keep up that speed very long because she uses a tremendous amount of energy to run at top speed, which causes her body temperature and heart rate to rise rapidly.
- Expending all that energy in such a short span of time requires her to rest for at least 20 minutes in order to catch her breath and get her body back to normal.
Killing is only half the battle for the cheetah; now she has to defend her prize against others that wouldn’t hesitate to steal it while she is recovering.
- That’s why she keeps looking around; she’s vulnerable to other predators right now.
- She hunts during the hottest hours of the day because it diminishes the odds that she’ll encounter other predators.
- You might say that she fills a niche that would otherwise be empty.

Re-source: Reevaluate
While many of you undoubtedly have to be ruthless with your time, you cannot do so at the expense of productivity and effectiveness.
- The cheetah may be the fastest creature in the Serengeti, but she also knows that her ability will be for naught if she loses her prey.
- She can’t afford to take on a chase that will exhaust her resources before she can complete the task.
Efficiency is the ability to accomplish a task completely and correctly in the least amount of time and work, while consuming the minimum amount of resources in the process.
- For that reason, we simply can’t be as effective when they constantly work at high speed.
Having a plan, staying the course, seizing the opportunity, and being efficient are all survival skills that are required to succeed in the real world.
craving and resource from “Surviving Your Serengeti” by Stefan Swanepoel