ICRAVE Dreams of Destiny

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Without dreams we have nothing to pull us forward. 

  • Our dreams that energize us to literally go to war against reality and make what only exists in our imagination our future. 
  • There may be no more uniquely human capacity than the ability to anticipate. 
    • Anticipation ignites a thrill in the present caused by nothing more than a possibility in the future. 
    • Anticipation is like tasting a great meal even before taking the first bite

We dream of a destiny, and it fuels our desire.  When we dwell on the past, we tend to want to live there.  When we dream of the future, we want to go there. 

  • Our dreams are a picture of a life waiting to be created. 
  • Dreams are a way of fueling the future, and in this we are all the same.

All of us need to believe in tomorrow. 

  • When we live without dreams, we are functionally dysfunctional. 
  • We have given up on the creative process.
  • Every human being has a need for progress, a need to become. 
  • There is a reason why you have a sense of destiny.
  • If all we have is now, our souls will starve from lack of nourishment. 
  • Every one of us is on a search for destiny. 
  • When we lose all hope, we lose all desire to live. 
    • Hope moves us from pessimism to optimism.

It’s not enough for us to merely exist; we are compelled to achieve.  We have been created with not only awareness, but a need for progress.

Image result for reinspired

Re-source: Reinspired

“Dream as if you’ll live forever.  Live as if you’ll die today.”

We are all born with a terminal condition. It’s called being human.

  • When milk hits its expiration date, it turns sour, but when we come to the end of hope, it’s our souls that turn bad. 
  • There are some things that are not supposed to expire before we do. 
  • At the same time, the expiration date that we fear the most and that looms over us all is that of life itself.

Through strengths-based education, discover strengths by calling out greatness in others and applauding it. (Mosaic in Los Angeles)

  • Even when you see it expressed in the smallest of ways. 

Even the smallest of dreams will keep us moving forward. 

  • It doesn’t even need to be rooted in reality; just our belief that we can get there keeps us inspired. 
    • But when we give up hope, when we allow ourselves to internalize despair, we shut down. 
    • We simply give up trying. 
  • Despair not only takes us to the wrong place, but it keeps us from going forward.
  • Despair is to the soul what toxic waste is to the body.

“He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.”  – Viktor Frankl

  • Go past meaning to purpose

A sense of destiny gives us the strength to face overwhelming obstacles and hardships.  At the same time living a life with a powerful sense of purpose gives us the energy and enthusiasm to get up in the morning and face the day. 

  • It is in the worst of situations that we are able to discover the best in us. 
  • It is also in these moments that we are able to see most clearly what is true and what is real and what it means most fully to be human.

Strength is unleashed within us when we are convinced our lives have a purpose yet to be fulfilled.

craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus