Night dreams are hard to interpret. Yet our culture has always been fascinated with these nighttime encounters.
- Usually, dreams are stories, although they often take the form of nonsensical plots and weird characters, placing together people and scenes in ways that couldn’t possibly occur in real life.
- For this reason, most of us quickly lost interest in trying to interpret them.
- The images are too difficult, so we dismiss the jumble of scenes as practically useless and go on with our day.
Experts tell us that dreams have important meanings lying hidden in the symbolism.
- Dream symbolism, which is the mythological or archetypal meanings that can be assigned to the various elements in dreams.
- from animals to acts of murder, flight, or stealing
The key to discovering the synchronicity of dreams is to ultimately go beyond the standard interpretation of these symbols and focus on the larger picture:
- The meaning surrounding the plot and characters of the dream.
- Here we can find messages of a more personal nature that often pertain directly to the specific situations we face in our lives.
The key to understanding the dream’s message is to compare the basic plot of the dream with the real situation in our individual world.
- Perhaps this dream is telling us to wake up and see the conflict and know that a potential solution can be found if we pay attention.
What about characters in the dream? Although the characters may be strange, we must ask how they might symbolize real people with who we are currently having important interactions.
- Are we seeing the people in our lives accurately?
- Perhaps the dream is telling us something about who these people really are, for better or worse.
It is important to journal. Many dreams can be prophetic and amazingly instructive later.

Re-source: Reflections
Dreams often tell us the same message in different way over time. Like intuition they are insistent and persistent.
- What are the main points of the dream?
- What details seem significant? Why?
- What is a one-sentence title for this dram?
- What is a one-word title for this dream?
- What happens in the beginning?
- What actions are taken?
- Who is in the dream/
- If the people in the dream were parts of yourself, what would they be telling you?
- What is the overall tone of the dream?
- How does this dream compare to your life right not?
- What is the dram telling you about your life that you might be overlooking?
- What is the outcome of the dream?
- If you were to live the dream in real life, what would you do differently?
In times of stress or any other time when you desire more information, make a point of writing down nightly dream titles in list form on one page separate front eh answers you write to the above questions.
- The titles alone might give you a clue as to the direction you are moving or the awareness that is breaking through.
craving from “The Celestine Vision” by James Redfield

resource from “The Celestine Prophecy – An Experiential Guide” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne