ICRAVE Dream Fulfillment

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We all have a dream, a heart’s desire

  • By pursuing any one of our dreams, we can find fulfillment.  We don’t need to pursue them all.
  • We don’t have to achieve a dream in order to find fulfillment – we need only actively pursue the dream to attain satisfaction.
  • By living our dream, we can contribute not only to ourselves, but to everyone and everything around us.

When (like most people) we’re not pursuing our dreams, we spend our time and abilities pursuing the things we think will make us happy, and things we believe will bring us fulfillment (car, house, clothes etc.).

Many people are so far away from living their dream that they have forgotten what their dream truly is.

Why aren’t we living our dreams?

  • The reason we aren’t living our dreams is inside ourselves. 
  • For the most part, we pretend it’s people, things and situations outside ourselves that are to blame. 
    • (Not enough money, education, contacts, intelligence, looks, etc.)

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Re-source: Results

“Do or do not. There is no try.” -YODA

The word “but”  

  • It allows us to lie to ourselves and to severely limit ourselves without even knowing it.
  • (BUTS can be shortened to BS)
  • It is what we use when ignoring our own good advice.
  • “Here come the arguments for my limitation.

In any given area of life, we have either reasons or results

  • excuses or experiences, stories or successes, justifications or justice.

In the amount of time it takes for the mind to invent a good excuse, it could have created an alternate way of achieving the desired result – rendering excuse-making unnecessary.

The bottom-line question: Do we pursue what we want, or to do we do what’s comfortable?

craving and resource from “DO IT!” – Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams

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