ICRAVE Discovering My Passions

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Steps to discovery:

  • Where am I today? 
  • Where do I want to be tomorrow? 
  • What do I regret in my life?

What about your life right now do you love, or at least enjoy. 

  • What do you actively dislike, and what do you merely tolerate? 
  • Which activities do you undertake eagerly, and which do you only endure? 
  • What is your favorite aspect of your job, and why? 
  • What do you look forward to from day to day? 
  • What would you miss most if it was taken away? 
  • Perhaps the things you enjoy most share a common theme: helping, learning, leading.

Now think about the future in a greater, more idealistic sense.  What things do you hope for most? 

  • If all obstacles and limitations were removed, what would you want to do, accomplish, be? 
  • Hidden within your dreams, your grandest fantasies are clues to your passions. 
    • Do not worry if they seem unrealistic, perhaps even unattainable; they still reflect passions that can be realized in more down-to-earth ways.

Image result for Rediscovering Yourself

Re-source: Rediscover

You can do things that offer you varying views of your life. 

  • One is reading.  It may not be a passion for you, but it is an invaluable source of inspiration and insight.  Regardless of your interests, reading can expose you to new ideas and new frames of reference. 
  • Viewing the same old things through the eyes of another can cause you to see the world and your life in new ways.

Other activities also enable perspective-altering discovery. 

  • Traveling requires us to ponder what is meaningful at home and in the new places we see. 
  • Watching plays and movies, attending festivals and celebrations compels us to experience our own lives through the eyes of others and therefore see ourselves in new ways.

Ways to discover passion

  • Discovery by Epiphany: “I knew when…”
  • Discover through change:  “I figured out after…”
  • Discover through intuition:  “I’ve always known…”
  • Discovery through experience:  “I’m not sure how I figured it out…”

craving and resource from ” The Passion Plan