Waste is very valuable. Whether we will use this filth as fertilizer (manure) or smear it on our face and walk around with filth is our choice.
- With these unpleasant things in life, do you become wise or do you become wounded?
- Don’t feed misery, feed joy. When you’re alone and you are miserable, then you are obviously in bad company.
Human experience comes from within not outside. Outside activity will not make you happy or unhappy.
- This unfortunate cultivation happens since kindergarten. If you’re a number one everyone else below you is losers.
- So, your joy is based on other people failing. When your joy is about other people’s misery that is not joy that is sickness. The world is invested in this.
How much crime you commit will depend on how empowered you are. If you are highly empowered and your identity is limited, you will do terrible things (Adolf Hitler).
- Many people still act like hitler but are not empowered like him.
- Based on our identities in the name of religion, race, nationally, culture, etc., how many terrible things have happened because of people’s philosophy and ideology?
The secret is to Enhance or expand one’s identity.
- Your identity is limitless.
- Yoga means union. This means you’ve gone outside the boundaries of your limited identity. Your life has expanded.
- “The world is my family” Everything is you. All is one. Make your identity be flexible not absolute.
Many of us often say “I was raised this way…” You don’t raise human beings; you only raise cattle.
- A human being is a possibility that needs to be nurtured not raised.
- You are only raising people a certain way because you are committed to something that you think is absolute. Nothing is absolute everything is a possibility.
We’ve drawn lines on this planet for certain conveniences (economically, politically, etc.)
- Did you ever think Germany and/or France would have opened borders like they do today after World War I and World War II? This is an evolution of human consciousness.
With limited identity, all of our gifts, talents, and contributions to the world are a curse.
- All of our technological advances go towards war at first.
- Every terrorist or soldier thinks he is doing the right thing even though he is taking a life because he thinks he is doing god’s work for his country. It’s a limited identity.

Resource: Relinquish
voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.
You have written your own internal software consciously or unconsciously.
- Because memory is working from inside, it doesn’t ask for your permission. The richness of this memory can blossom from manure.
“What happened yesterday you cannot change, what happens today you can only experience, and what is tomorrow you have to create.”
Many people have created a false sense of identity in which they are standing. They need to understand there’s life beyond identity.
- We are giving too much self significance to ourselves. Because of that are identities have risen to absurd levels.
Without identity you can’t function in this world, but do you have a space between you and what you have created? Learn to distance yourself from your own body and mind.
- Whatever you gather can become yours but it is not you. You’re thoughts are yours but they are not you.
You want your life to have definition. You can only define that that has physical boundaries. You cannot define something that does not have physical boundaries.
- When you realize you are restricted by a boundary you want to do more. Whoever you are right now, you want to be more.
- This is an innate longing for a human being because there’s something in you which is not physical in nature because you do not like boundaries.
We tried to become something more by extending our boundaries by shopping, accomplishing, etc. Something that is not you, you are trying to experience it as if it were yourself.
- If it happens intellectually, we call it conquest accomplishment or even “shopping.” If it happens on any emotional level, we call it love. If we do it consciously and successfully, it’s called “yoga.”
craving and resources by Sadhguru on “The School of Greatness” with Lewis Howes