ICRAVE Developing Habits

Rules for forming new habits

  1. At the beginning of forming a new habit, put force into your expression of the action, thought or characteristic.
    1. Remember, you are taking the first step toward making the new mental path and its much harder at first than it will be afterwards.
    1. Make the path as clear at the start so you can see it clearly
  2. Keep your intention firmly concentrated on the new path building and keep your eyes and thoughts away from the old paths
  3. Travel over your newly made path as often as possible. Make opportunities to do so.
    1. The more often you go over the new path, the sooner it will become the old, well-worn, easily traveled one.
  4. Resist the temptation to travel the old path of your past.
    1. Every time you resist, the stronger you become, and easier it will be to do so next time
    1. Every time you yield to the temptation, the easier it will be to yield again and the more difficult it will be to resist the next time.  You will have a fight going on at the start.
    1. Prove your will power now
  5. Be sure that you have mapped out the proper path, then go on without fear and doubt

Re-source: Reprogram

program again or differently

Through habit, an act repeatedly preformed in the same manner has the tendency to become permanent and eventually we preform the act automatically and without much effort.

Fold a paper one way and then another (from rectangle, to rectangle, to square).  Open it. Realize how folding becomes easier and set out for the next time.  This is the example of habits.

We need to make our habits work for us, instead of being slaves to our habits.  Let it be positive and not negative. 

“Emotionalize or vitalize your whole being with any well-fixed definite desire and immediately your personality becomes a magnet that will attract to you the object of that desire.  To doubt is to remain in ignorance.”

craving and resource from “Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules” by Napoleon Hill