Life happens around us and through our experiences, and defines who we are, or who we believe we are.
Some events help us solidify our authenticity, and others push us further away.
- For example, we may discover a passion for volunteering in some specific realm, which is an intrinsically rewarding activity that serves to solidify some of our best self attributes like generosity and altruism.
- On the other hand, if we experience some type of abuse or neglect, and form negative beliefs about ourselves as a result, that can push us further away from our best self.
- We can even begin to form false truths about ourselves and the world around us.
Our minds are like cameras watching our lives unfold, and we snap pictures of significant moments.
- These moments create different thoughts and feelings which we then attach to the memories.
- Some are important; they stand out. Others we wish never existed, though they sometimes pop back into our brains at the most unexpected times.
Re-source: Redefine
Think like a life coach. Define your best self. Write out the characteristics of your best self.
- How will your best self help you remain fearless?
- How will your best self help you to feel no shame about who you are in this life?
- How will your best self help you remain honest with yourself and others?
- How will your best self help you maintain that kind, compassionate inner voice at all times?
- How will your best self help you feel empowered in all situations?
- How will your best self help you remain grateful?
- How will your best self help you to feel free to be who you truly are?
As you embark upon this odyssey of self-discovery, keep in mind that no matter what you want to achieve in your life, you can use tools within to do it.
craving and resource from “Best Self – Be You, Only Better – by Mike Bayer