ICRAVE Deconstructing Negative Energy

Constructing and protecting a world of light, inner and outer, requires a resolve to deconstruct negativity.  To achieve peace at all levels, there’s no way around it.

“For me, positive emotional energy is when your thoughts, words, feeling and actions are aligned.  I can sense this in someone’s energy field as a warmth, and brightness.  It comes through my intuition.  Their aura is peaceful and welcoming.  It’s tangible.  Around a positive person, I can let my guard down.  When I generate positive energy in myself, I feel joyful and want to smile at stranger on the street.  I consider this energy to be divine – an inner light that radiates through us, the noble essence of every being.” 

“Negative emotional energy, such as fear, anger, and dishonesty, feels totally different.  I’m repelled by it; on guard.  I’m up against a cold wall.  I can see a gray cast over someone- their skin, eyes, and essence are dull.  Frequently people are unaware of the vibes they give off.”

Re-source: Reconstruct

When you go from “This is horrible” to “there’s something good I can learn from here, your thinking changes.  More than an intellectual knowing, it’s an energetic shift.

To reverse negative energy, my own and in others, I create more positive energy.  I try to stay in a place of truth, of gentle compassion.  Conscious, deep breathing helps; it slows down my fears and my judgments, returns me to my heart.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff