ICRAVE Decision

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Do not postpone making decisions.  However, think a great deal before taking action. 

  • Considers your training as well as your responsibilities and duties as a teacher. 
  • Remain calm and analyze each step as if it were of extreme importance.

As soon as you have made a decision, proceed.

  • Have no doubts about your chosen action, nor change direction if circumstances turn out differently form how you imagined them.
  • If his decision is correct, you will win the battle, even if it lasts longer than you had expected.
  • If his decision is wrong, you will be defeated and he will have to start all over again, only this time, with more wisdom.
  • But once you have started, persevere until the end

It is not your responsibility however, to judge the dreams of others. Don’t not waste time criticizing other people’s decisions.

  • In order to have faith in your own path, you do not need to prove that someone else’s path is wrong.

Don’t be concerned with the result of a battle when the battle is over because but instead, examine your heart and ask, “Did I fight the good fight.”

Image result for reflect on your decisions

Re-source: Reflection

Always remember the 5 rules of combat

  • Faith – you must believe in the reasons for the fight
  • Companions – choose your allies. No one ever won a war single-handedly
  • Time – be careful to select the right moment to begin a fight
  • Space – think about your surrounding and how best to move around in them
  • Strategy – plan your fight

Take time to yourself

  • Use this time to rest, contemplate, and contact with the soul of the world
  • Even in the midst of a battle, manage to meditate
  • Occasionally sit down, relax, and lets everything that is happening around you continue to happen.

Looks at world as a spectator.  Do not try to add to it or take away from it. 

  • Merely surrender unresistingly to the movement of life

Know when a battle is worth fighting

  • Base your decisions on inspiration and faith
  • We nevertheless meet people who ask to fight battles that are not our own, or on battlefields that we does not know, or which do not interest us.  Ones that are important to them but not to us. 
    • Often these are people close to us who want us to ease their anxieties in some way.
    • In such moments, smile and make it clear to them that you love them.  But do not take up the challenge
  • Always chooses your own battlefield.

craving and resource from “Warrior of the Light” by Paulo Coelho

Manual of the Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho