ICRAVE Dealing with Criticism

Dealing with Criticism | RayKLiu

Whatever you do, and no matter how you choose to live your life, someone’s going to judge you.

  • Whether you build a business or work a 9-to-5 job; have a family or choose not to get married and have kids; live in the same town all your life or travel the globe; work out religiously or sit on the couch, there will always be haters.
  • For one reason or another, someone else is going to project their insecurities, their negativity and their fears onto you and your life.
    • And it’s up to you to choose how you deal with it.

For most people, most of the time, the biggest critic in your life is usually staring right back at you in the mirror.

  • The voice who’s judging you the most typically lives between your own two ears.
  • Working up the courage to move past your own vulnerability and uncertainty is often the greatest challenge you’ll face on the way to achieving your goals.

It’s usually not the criticism from outsiders that holds you back. More often, it’s your own mind worrying about what other people are going to think.

  • We often procrastinate not because of hurtful comments from others, but rather, our own fears about what others are going to think.
  • Internal fears and internal criticism/dialogue so often hold us back from achieving our goals.
    • many times from even getting started

It can take a lifetime to learn that just because people criticize you doesn’t mean they actually care about your choice to do something different.

  • Often, the haters simply criticize and move on, and that means you can safely ignore them and continue doing your thing.

The truth, though, is that it’s much easier said than done. After all, many (if not all) of us like to be validated.

  • Some people like it more than others, of course, but everyone wants to be respected and appreciated, at least to some degree.
  • How many times have you felt scared about putting yourself and your work out there, fearful that people wouldn’t approve or would criticize you when you started sharing the things that you cared about or believed in?

The reality is that criticism is almost always in your head. The problem is that our tendency to hold onto negative criticism is natural for most people.

  • According to researchers at Florida State University, we remember negative emotions much more strongly and in more vivid detail.
  • Even happy people tend to remember more negative events than positive ones.
  • When it comes to your brain, scientists say that it takes about five positive events to make up for one negative event.


Re-source: Refocus

adjust the focus of (a lens or one's eyes)

Don’t look at the wall. Your car goes where your eyes go.”

Legendary race car driver Mario Andretti
  • Criticism and negativity from difficult people is like a wall.
    • If you focus on it, then you’ll run right into it.
    • You’ll get blocked by negative emotions, anger and self-doubt.

Your mind will go where your attention is fixed.

  • Criticism and negativity don’t prevent you from reaching the finish line, but they certainly can distract you from it.
  • However, if you focus on the road in front of you and on moving forward, then you can safely speed past the walls and barriers that are nearby.
  • If you’re dealing with criticism, then don’t let the wall keep you from seeing the road.
    • Focus on the path ahead.
    • Ignore the boos; they usually come from the cheap seats.

And lastly: Don’t be the hater. Don’t be the person who tears down someone else’s hard work.

  • The world needs more people who contribute their gifts and share their work and ideas.
    • Working up the courage to do that can be tough.
    • Support the people who display that courage.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com