“The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind, and crushed by the water, and polished to brilliance by life’s strongest storms.”
The idea isn’t to try to eliminate the storms in your life. The idea is to learn how to sing in the rain, how to dance in the storms, and be willing to go into the storm.
- A guy was dancing at a party and received news that his son had died that day. Someone asked him, “How could you be dancing when you’ve received such news today?” He replied, “Sooner or later, I am going to have to get over this, or it will take me too. I have picked sooner.
Suffering as a way to enlightenment is way overplayed. When you really get good at getting into the moment and “being here now,” you know that pain is really just thoughts of suffering.
- We become what we think about whether we want it or not.
- “I am an old man and I have had many troubles; most of which that have never happened.” – Mark Twain
You cannot be dragged down by people of lower energies. The reason that you feel dragged down is because you joined them in their energy.
- You’ve become within yourself what they are.
- The sentence, “You make me angry/depressed” really says, “I see your anger/hatred/prejudice, and ill have some of that too, and I’ll hate you for hating me.”
What’s the difference between a flower and a weed? It’s a judgement.
- It’s the same thing with being overwhelmed and not being overwhelmed. It’s all a judgement.
Take a bucket and try and bring back a bucket of stress. There are people thinking stressful thoughts, and having stressful reactions in their body.
- The belief that the world is stressful is just a judgement (something that we carry with us).

Re-source: Reawakening
The magic of allowing – Trusting and knowing that when you understand how you align yourself to your “original nature” – that is your nature of wellbeing.
- “The body is the hero,” not any medicine, surgeries, etc.
Habits are the long established thinking mechanisms that we have been employing.
- Therefore, imagine yourself as total well-being.
Everything that you would like to have, you have to be able to imagine.
- It is this invisible, formless, boundaryless space in which you can put anything you want there, and no one can do anything about it.
- It is your spirit that gives life.
What kind of attention do you place on yourself when the subject of your wish comes up?
- Where do you go with it in your imagination?
- Your two choices is you can use either objective or subjective attention.
craving and resource from “Making the Shift” – How to Live Your True Divine Purpose – by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer