ICRAVE Creative Perception

If you do not bring the kind eye of creative expectation to your inner world, you will never find anything there. 

The way you look at things is the most powerful force in shaping your life. 

In a vital sense, perception is reality.

Re-source: Rediscover

There is such an intimate connection between the way we look at things and what we actually discover. 

If you can learn to look at yourself and your life in a gentle, creative, and adventurous way, you will be eternally surprised at what you find. 

In other words, we never meet anything totally or purely.  We see everything through the lens of thought. 

The way that you think determines what you will actually discover. 

This is expressed wonderfully by Meister Eckhart: “Thoughts are inner senses.”

craving and resource from “ANUM CARA” by John O’Donohue